Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Can landlords/property managers take advantage of the federal grants to pay for the testing or is it only available for homeowners?

We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity.


This week we are featuring a common question: 

Question: Can landlords/property managers take advantage of the federal grants to pay for the testing or is it only available for homeowners?


Answer: No, the US Federal grants are available to homeowners who qualify for the program, not landlords or property managers.


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): When does all certifications and EPA reports have to be submitted (when does the program end)?


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series) If I have an existing tenant, do they need to have their property tested or is it only required for new tenants?