Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Does the law apply to ALL rental properties?

Dear Rental Agents,

We are regularly receiving questions regarding the new Lead Law and have created a weekly “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ’s) forum for you as you desire to become more informed of the Lead Law and its complexity. This week we are featuring a common question:

Question: “Does the law apply to ALL rental properties?

Answer: Yes. The new law now applies to ALL rental properties (unless a property was built after 1978). A majority of properties in Norristown were built after 1978.  There is an estimated 40,000 rental properties in Norristown.


We hope this information is useful/of interest to you and appreciate your continued business. Here is a link to many common frequently asked questions: https://www.leadtestingservicesmontco.com/faqs



Alex K, Certified Lead Inspector

Lead Testing Services



Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): How long does the lead safe certificate last?


Lead Law Update (FAQ Series): Do I need to obtain a lead certificate for my property before I get or renew my rental license?